Category: Uncategorized
off course it will hurt your heart is not dead your soul breathes the light of the universe nothing is ever easy there are no perfect beings trees have crooked roots and even gods struggle but to continue living loving without hesitation just a chance that tomorrow can be better
what you are
to embrace the fleeting impermanence with a love so deep to make a way for us mountains will move blessed by the sun and sanctified by the moon we walk without fear we carry within us parts of each other wherever we go forever connected by the invisible threads of the cosmos may the sweet…
i am the way
I am the sunand the moonthe windand the starsthe mountainsand the sea I am lightand darknessI am everything and nothingeverywhere and nowhereI am loveinside and outsideI am presentand pastI am the futureI am timeand space life and deatheternal transientwild and freean imagea feeling I am breaththis body I am dustwater and icefire and etherI am…
having died a million timesin a million ways every breath sufferswith unbounded impressionsbrokenburnt aliveturned to ashand offered to the treessmothered at dawncut into tiny piecesboiled in a cauldronfed to the vulturessacrificed by the godshunted by the devilvampires have feasted upon my fleshmy tongue pierced for pleasure of the sicknessand my bones turned into sticks that…
I am the wind,roaring, howling,mostly aloof,cutting through the innocence of yesterdaydestroyed in the fire of one’s ignorancetangled in the meshes of human treessinging songs for those who can still hearthe broken melody of life where do I blow now,my heart weary by the stormsthey hit the eyelashesobstructed by memories and thefreezing blood of time ordinarily…